05 October 2011

Link to Paper

Dear Lazyweb,

I've wanted to link to pages of books, or at least down to the chapter, or subhead.

Take, for example, the following blog post:
In that post, I refer to printed, copyrighted content by URL, but with lame google books URLs that have nothing to do with the structure of the book, and that border on the potentially problematic situation traditionally called "deep linking".

Look for the following text in the blog post:
Do you know of any way that I can manage a list of URLs per book that are just markers for the sections within that book?

Not page linking, but sections as defined by the work itself.  No content extraction except perhaps to put the subhead text in the URL itself (either in English, or in the work's native language, or both).  Now there would be a global permalink for a given chunk of a work.

So, as an example of what I'm shooting for, the following author has already done this with his book:
http://book.personalmba.com/bootstrapping/  (full of promotional material)
Even though this page is full of promotional material, the link itself has value, because now I can refer to that small section of the book and talk about my own ideas, relative to that section.

And I can do so in a web-friendly way, with a meaningful URL.

The closest think I found was OpenLibrary itself with canonical URLs to Works and Editions.  But has anyone done "link to paper" in a general sense?


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