25 September 2019

Stress on a Cracked Foundation

Think about a house standing strong.  Imagine a crack in the foundation.  Maybe the ground under the house has settled unevenly.  Maybe things have shifted since the house was built.

If it has gone long enough that the foundation is cracked, there is a failure waiting to happen.  Putting enough stress on a cracked foundation will lead to a dramatic failure.

This is like living at the edge of health: physical, social, emotional, or spiritual.  If you aren't constantly investing in repairing and strengthening your foundation, you are more susceptible to unexpected failure.

I want to eat healthy food, keep in touch with good friends, keep enough space in my life, and stay strong in my faith.  So that when the storms of life come, I can get through the challenging times.  When I ask God for help, I can be more confident I will be able to receive His help to bridge me back to a stable and happy future.