22 August 2012

Modular Apps

In the last 12 months, it seems like apps are getting a lot more modular.

I discovered news.me before Christmas last year -- which felt modular at an app level -- RSS => social, and the reciprocal daily digest.  In fact, I've been reading their daily Twitter summary basically ever since, even though I am effectively a read-only non-citizen on Twitter.

It's old news to a lot of people, but when I saw IFTTT and Wappwolf, my mind was blown.  This is modularity at an app level, not just a code level.

Here is a good outline of what kind of things are possible with this new breed of app-level integrator apps:


Minus the fairly major hole of lack of HTTPS support from IFTTT, it looks awesome.  When that's fixed I'll be investing a fair amount of time/automation into it.